Bronchoscopy is an endoscopic medical procedure that lets doctors/pulmonologists look at your lungs and air passages. Basically, it involves inserting a bronchoscope (a narrow fiber-optic tube with light source and camera on the end) through your nose or mouth and down your throat to reach your lungs.
Other than diagnosing lung disease or conditions this procedure can be used to treat a medical problem such as foreign object or blockages that’s lodged in the airways.

Why does a doctor order a bronchoscopy?
Using the bronchoscope, your doctor view all of the structure within your respiratory system and this helps to find the cause of a lung problem.
A bronchoscopy can be used to diagnose:- a lung disease
- a tumor
- a chronic cough
- an infection
You may be ordered a bronchoscopy if you have an abnormal chest x-ray or CT scan that indicates infection or a collapsed lung. Sometimes it is also used as a treatment tool to deliver medication to your lungs.
Risks of a bronchoscopy
Bronchoscopy is safe for most people. However, like all medical procedures, there are some risks involved. Risks may include:
- bleeding, especially if a biopsy is done
- infection
- trouble breathing
- a low blood oxygen level during the test
A bronchoscopy is relatively quick, lasting about 30 minutes. Since you are sedated you will be resting at hospital for few hours. You are not allowed to eat or drink anything until your throat is no longer numb. After the procedure, your throat might feel sore or scratchy for few days. This is normal and goes away without any medication.
Looking for Bronchoscopy in Ahmedabad?
Consult Dr. Pradip Dabhi for bronchoscopy in Ahmedabad including tracheal stenting, Trans-bronchial lung biopsy, cauterization etc. Call or drop us a message to book an appointment.